Adult Workshops


~ Please check ages listed for workshops as they do vary.

~ We will ask as each individual enters the building for class that they sanitize their hands upon entering the studios.

~If you exhibit any symptoms or feel unwell, we ask that you do not attend class.

~Masking is optional

Pottery - Wheel Throwing Workshop
instructor - sabine wecker & nikki little
14+ years


Come try your hand at wheel thrown pottery.  In this evening workshop, participants will be given a lesson and hands on demonstration on how to use a pottery wheel to make a bowl.  Then each participant will sit down at their own wheel and practice their skills.  The focus for this workshop is on learning the process and skills needed to complete a piece on the wheel.  Patrick will not be there to help you, so you're on your own ;)
Any completed bowls will be fired in our kiln and taken home to enjoy.

* all materials for these workshops will be provided for participants, including clay, glaze, and firing.  prices do not include GST

Saturday, February 8 7:00 - 9:00pm Sold out

Saturday, February 22 7:00 - 9:00pm 1 spot available

Saturday, March 8 7:00 - 9:00pm Sold out

Saturday, March 22 7:00 - 9:00pm Sold out

Pottery Workshop- 2025

alcohol ink workshop for rsac instructor - brandie perkins age 13+

Come try out this wonderful fluid medium with us and give back to a great cause. We are teaming up with Regina Sexual Assault Centre to raise funds for them. $35 from each registration will go to the centre.

For over 40 years, Regina and Area Sexual Assault Centre has been supporting survivors of sexualized violence and their loved ones, through trauma-informed and expert counselling, 24/7 telephone support, advocacy, and education. The Regina Sexual Assault Centre is a progressive and inclusive organization that is dedicated to reducing prevalence and impacts of all forms of sexual violence towards all individuals. The Centre provide supportive services and referrals to anyone (aged 5 and up) including family, who has been impacted by sexual violence. They see hundreds of clients annually, providing nearly 1000 hours of counselling last year, all free of charge. They also provide trauma-informed education and awareness to prevent, address, and improve responses to sexualized violence to the public, justice professionals, health care providers, and more.

*all materials included. prices do not include GST.

Friday, March 14th 6:00 - 8:00pm 13 spots available

Saturday, March 15th (Landscapes) 6:00 - 8:00pm 8 spots available

Alcohol Ink Workshop - RSAC

Hand-Building Prairie Crocuses (Pasqueflowers) Instructor - Nikki Little Age 14+

Artist Nikki Little often enjoys making delicate flowers out of clay! In this one-evening workshop, she will teach you some of her floral sculpture techniques so that you can make a beautiful spring crocus.

You will learn about soft-slab building techniques. These will allow you to make a sculpture that is delicate yet strong, has natural surface details, and feels alive.

Our instructors will glaze and fire your artwork after the workshop. We will announce pickup dates through Facebook, Instagram, and our email newsletter (don't forget to subscribe).

*all materials included. prices do not include GST.

Saturday, March 8 7:00 - 9:00pm 7 spots available

Adult Hand Building workshop

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from CA$25.00

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